Friday, December 28, 2018

Seguro Social discapacidad en ohio

Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick Spanish speaking with services in Español

Each year approximately 800,000 people wait for social security disability and SSI hearings to approve their benefits. In ohio the wait time for a social security disability hearing is approximately one and a half years. Last year over 10,000 people died waiting for their disability hearing with a social security judge.

Required medical evidence includes a doctor’s visit within the last year, an opinion from your treating doctor stating that you are disabled and in some cases additional evidence from a doctor or medical reviewer and a vocational specialist.

the average monthly social security disability  payment is approximately  $1,200 a month. The maximum payment is $2,800.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Ohio work accidents

Are injuries compensable when occurring during recreational and other non-work activities paid for or supported by the employer?
Usually, yes. But, benefit coverage may be "waived" by the employee if he/she signs a waiver of the their right to workers comp or benefits prior to engaging in the activity/recreation or fitness event. These waivers must be signed for each recreational activity/event and are valid for two years.

Are injuries caused by coworkers compensable?
Injuries caused by coworkers are compensable, unless the "horseplay" defense applies. Coworkers are immune from lawsuits from the injured worker if the injury is compensable.

Defenses to worker comp claims based on employee conduct:
Self-inflicted (self-harm) injury - An employee who purposefully self-inflicts an injury/harm upon himself/herself is not entitled to Ohio workers compensation.

Willful misconduct, “horseplay,”  - Horseplay is a defense to a claim for Ohio workers comp benefits if the employee was the instigator of the horseplay. The innocent victim of horseplay does have a viable claim.

Drugs and/or alcohol and Ohio work injuries

When an injury occurs to an employee that was the result of intoxication from alcohol or drugs is is not compensable if the drugs and/or alcohol is the "proximate cause" of the injury (the injury/accident would not have happened "but for" the drugs and/or alcohol being present). In certain cases, an employer can administer a drug test to determine whether the employee was intoxicated/impaired at the time of the injury/accident.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Spanish Speaking Lawyer in Ohio | Compensation for Fatal Truck Accidents | Cleveland Ohio 18 Wheeler Semi-Truck Tractor Trailer Crash and Injury Causes

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio Semi-Truck Accident lawyer Patrick Merrick 

Call 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012

Cleveland Ohio Truck Accident Lawyer
​​Spanish Speaking Lawyer in Ohio | Compensation for Fatal Truck Accidents

If you have been injured or if a loved one suffered an unjustified death in a traffic accident with a large commercial vehicle (truck with trailer, semi-truck, tractor trailer, 18 wheeler), contact Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq. who specializes in fatal accidents with commercial vehicles. The Law firm of Patrick Merrick represents victims of truck accidents who are injured due to the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company. Your consultation is free and you will not pay attorney's fees unless and until we earn Compensation for you.

Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq., has successfully represented clients injured in truck accidents, including those involving:

Inappropriate Backing

Driver fatigue

Improper maintenance

Defective design

High speed

Improper lane change

Lack of safety features, such as lower protection guards

Inappropriate loading

Inadequate driver training

Driving under the influence / driving intoxicated

Driver falling alseep

The law firm of Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick will investigate the accident of a large commercial vehicle (truck with trailer, semi-truck, tractor trailer, 18 wheeler), take pictures of the scene and the vehicles involved, take statements from witnesses,  and obtain copies of police reports and the driver's record of the truck. He determines what caused the truck accident and who is responsible for the damage then pursue the responsible parties to ensure that you receive the maximum possible compensation.

Truck accidents can cause devastating injuries, including brain injury, amputation, spinal cord injury, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and of course unjustified death. When you have suffered severe damage, you must have a Spanish Speaking personal injury lawyer in Ohio with experience and skill on your side. Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick In understands truck accident cases.

Located in Ohio, personal injury attorney Patrick Merrick Esq. Represents clients including these communities: Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Lorain, Toledo, Youngstown.

Cleveland Spanish speaking lawyer Patrick Merrick for lawsuits against trucking companies, truck drivers, distributors, and independent contractors | En Español | Cleveland | Columbus | Toledo | Youngstown | Lorain | Akron 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012 |

Ohio Truck Accident Lawyer

Monday, September 10, 2018

Spanish Speaking Lawyer in Ohio | Compensation for Fatal Truck Accidents | Cleveland Ohio 18 Wheeler Semi-Truck Tractor Trailer Crash and Injury

Spanish Speaking Lawyer in Ohio | Compensation for Fatal Truck Accidents

If you have been injured or if a loved one suffered an unjustified death in a traffic accident with a large commercial vehicle (truck with trailer, semi-truck, tractor trailer, 18 wheeler), contact Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq. who specializes in fatal accidents with commercial vehicles. The Law firm of Patrick Merrick represents victims of truck accidents who are injured due to the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company. Your consultation is free and you will not pay attorney's fees unless and until we earn Compensation for you.

Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq., has successfully represented clients injured in truck accidents, including those involving:

Inappropriate Backing

Driver fatigue

Improper maintenance

Defective design

High speed

Improper lane change

Lack of safety features, such as lower protection guards

Inappropriate loading

Inadequate driver training

Driving under the influence / driving intoxicated

Driver falling alseep

The law firm of Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick will investigate the accident of a large commercial vehicle (truck with trailer, semi-truck, tractor trailer, 18 wheeler), take pictures of the scene and the vehicles involved, take statements from witnesses,  and obtain copies of police reports and the driver's record of the truck. He determines what caused the truck accident and who is responsible for the damage then pursue the responsible parties to ensure that you receive the maximum possible compensation.

Truck accidents can cause devastating injuries, including brain injury, amputation, spinal cord injury, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and of course unjustified death. When you have suffered severe damage, you must have a Spanish Speaking personal injury lawyer in Ohio with experience and skill on your side. Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick In understands truck accident cases.

Located in Ohio, personal injury attorney Patrick Merrick Esq. Represents clients including these communities: Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Lorain, Toledo, Youngstown.

Cleveland Spanish speaking lawyer Patrick Merrick for lawsuits against trucking companies, truck drivers, distributors, and independent contractors | En Español | Cleveland | Columbus | Toledo | Youngstown | Lorain | Akron 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012 |

Spanish speaking truck accident lawyer in cleveland ohio

Monday, August 20, 2018

Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer can help you win your Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Cas

spanish speaking cleveland ohio social security disability lawyer

Spanish Speaking Ohio Social Security Disability Lawyer Patrick Merrick has free consultations for Ohio residents (Cleveland, Lorain, Akron, Youngstown, Toledo, Columbus) applying for disability (SSD) or SSI benefits. You won’t ever owe Ohio Disability Lawyer Patrick Merrick a fee unless you’re approved for your benefits and are granted your back award. The attorney fee for Ohio disability and SSI cases is contingent upon winning the case. If you are approved, the standard attorney fee is 25% of your back award (but is capped at $6,000).

Spanish Speaking Ohio Social Security Disability Attorney (Abogado con servicios en  Español) to Help You Get the Benefits You Need

Statistics show that approximately 65% of first-time claims for Social Security Disability and SSI benefits are denied. So, winning your disability or SSI case on your own is difficult. If you are like most claimants in Ohio and are denied benefits, don’t give up. Whether you’re seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick can help with your appeal.

Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq, has over a decade of experience representing claimants and knows first hand that administrative Law Judges prefer to work with claimants who are represented by an experienced lawyer. It is no surprise that applicants and claimants that hire an attorney have a better chance of winning their case. Whether you are applying for social security disability benefits for the first time or are appealing the denial from a judge, Spanish speaking attorney Patrick Merrick can help with your appeal each step of the way. Because Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick has been winning disability and SSI cases for over a decade he knows how to create a strong case that the social security administration cannot deny.

Coming from an experienced Ohio disability lawyer, the biggest mistake you can make is giving up and not appealing your denial. To avoid this mistake, call Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick who can help you avoid common mistakes:  
  1. government clerical errors (failing to send correspondence to the correct address, failing to record an appeal when it has been filed)
  2. failure to include an important medical record (the social security admistration is tasked with obtaining your medical records but do not rely on them - Ohio attorney Patrick Merrick often sees records overlooked or not submitted at all)
  3. Failure to file a timely appeal - if you are denied benefits and wait longer than 60 days to file an appeal you are forced to file a new application unless you can come up with a good reason for missing the appeal period (if you were in the hospital during this time and can document it then maybe you are OK - but just saying you were busy is not good enough).

Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains the steps that are necessary to win your social security disability (SSD) or supplemental security income (SSI) case:
Level 1: Initial application and determination (Average wait for an answer is 3-4 months)

Level 2:  First level appeal is called Reconsideration (Additional 2-4 months wait)

Level 3: Second level appeal is a hearing with the Administrative Law Judge (Additional year to year and half wait)

Level 4:  If denied at the administrative law judge level you can appeal to “Appeals Council” to see if the judge made any mistakes in his/her decision (Additional wait of 8 months to 1 year)

How long do I have to file each appeal of the denial of my social security disability or SSI case in Ohio?
At each level (initial denial, reconsideration denial, and administrative law judge denial), appeals must be filed within 60 days of the decision (5 days are added for mailing). Claims are frequently denied at the first two levels (approximately 65-70% at the initial level and up to 80% at the reconsideration level), but it’s not until Level 3 that you will get a hearing front of a judge. At this stage, you can present evidence, get opinion evidence from your doctors, and call witnesses.

Cleveland Ohio wrongful death Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that if your loved one suffered wrongful death from the negligence of another (car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident) a doctor, nurse or hospital,  you have legal rights to obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and future treatment costs. Free case evaluation 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Ohio Workplace Injuries | Hire an Experienced Ohio Workers Comp Lawyer who will explain your rights and fight against your employer

Workplace Injuries in Ohio
Have you been injured on the job in Ohio? Then contact a Cleveland Ohio workplace injury Attorney who will provide you with the legal services you need to obtain compensation (money for lost wages, medical bills, and disability) for your injuries. In 2018, thousands of workers will suffer fatal and serious injuries on the job. Hospital and doctor bills, time unable to work, and other losses can be recovered with the help of experienced Cleveland Ohio Workers Comp Lawyer Patrick Merrick.

Usually, a work accident in Ohio means that the only course of recover is the Ohio workers compensation laws. However, sometimes it is possible to bring a third-party claim against the non-employer party or individual that caused your accident. It is important that you hire an experienced Ohio workers accident lawyer who understands the rights of recovery under the Ohio workers compensation system.

What is Ohio Workers’ Compensation?

The Ohio workers’ compensation system generally prohibits employees from filing lawsuits against their employer for injuries at work. Also, Ohio law dictates how much compensation the injured worker can receive through the Ohio workers’ compensation system. The Ohio BWC (Bureau of Workers Compensation System) works as a “no fault” system for accidents on the job. This means that as long as the injured worker was not engaging in “horseplay” or intentionally trying to get injured, their claim will be approved. In determining if a claim gets approved and how much recovery/compensation you will get depends on may issues:

What type of injury did you receive (broken bone, sprain, herniated disc, concussion, amputation);

Did your injury arise “out of and in the course of your employment” - meaning were you either on the job or doing something for the benefit of your employer at the time of your accident (ie. not on lunch break or running an errand).

Was yourthe injury the result of an accident or a gradual injury (overuse) or an occupational disease (carpal tunnel syndrome for example)

Since 2017, the laws have changed so that injured workers who used to have 2 years to file a claim for an injury on the job now has that time reduced to 1 year from the date of injury to file the claim.

What Benefits Does the Ohio Workers’ Compensation System Provide to workers hurt on the job?

Unlike damages in a regular negligence lawsuit (for example a car or truck accident), Ohio workers comp compensation benefits are governed by Ohio statute. Also, unlike negligence cases for car and truck accidents, injured workers in Ohio are not entitled “pain and suffering” in their Ohio workers’ compensation claim. However, there is something similar called a percent of disability (c92 application) that allows for compensation based on the permanency of your Ohio work injury).

Some of the types of benefits injured workers in Ohio might be entitled in their workers’ comp case:

Money for not being able to work. The amount you receive is based upon your average weekly wage. For the first 3 months of not working you earn 72% of your “full weekly wage” (this is the average weekly wage you earned for the 5 weeks preceding the accident). After the first 3 months of not working the injured worker receives 66% of their average weekly wage (this is the weekly average the worker earned for the full year preceding the accident).

Money for Medical bills and treatment. An injured worker in Ohio is entitled to medical coverage for their injury (emergency room (ER) visitS, to a hospital admissions,, to doctor visits (including specialists), physical therapy (includes chiropractic treatment,, and medication.

Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is when your injury is not expected to improve, and you may then be eligible for permanent total disability benefits. This means that you are not able to engage in substantial gainful activity (work) ever again.

The Ohio workers’ compensation system is not designed for the typical or average worker to navigate through easily. A worker hurt on the job can lose the right to benefits if they do not have an experienced Ohio workplace injury attorney on their side.

Ohio law permits you to file a lawsuit against a non-employer (third parties) for your on the job Injury

If you are injured on the job in Ohio, it is important to investigate the source or cause of the accident. This means that another party (company, sub contractor) might be responsible for the negligence that caused your accident. They may be responsible for additional costs, damage, and pain and suffering. While pain and suffering is not available as a remedy under Ohio workers comp laws, it is compensable against third parties that caused your accident.

How can a non employer (third party) be responsible for the negligence that caused your accident and injury?

Accidents on the roadways (auto/car and truck crashes). If you are injured in an auto or truck accident while driving for your job, you actually will have 2 claims: 1) an Ohio workers comp claim; and 2) a negligence claim against the at fault party in the vehicle accident.

Suppliers and Manufacturers of products and equipment. If your injury was caused by defective equipment manufactured and/or supplied by a company (not your employer), you may be able to file a lawsuit against them, and still maintain your Ohio workers comp case.

Independent supervisors/managers. If the project where you were injured was managed, supervised, or controlled by an independent party (someone not your employer), you may be able to file a lawsuit for negligence against that third party.

Subcontractors. If your work accident was caused by the negligence of a subcontractor, you may have a claim against them for your

How to hire experienced Ohio Workers Comp Lawyer Patrick Merrick

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How do I qualify for social security disability in Ohio? Cleveland Disability Lawyer explains how to apply and files Appeals for Disability and SSI

Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer explains appeals for Social Security Disability and SSI

How do I qualify for social security disability in Ohio? Cleveland Disability Lawyer explains how to apply and files Appeals for  Disability and SSI Denials

​​Spanish Speaking Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that if you live in Ohio, you may qualify for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security (SSI) disability benefits if you meet the disability rules: you have been unable to perform (SGA) substantial gainful activity (work) due to a severe mental or physical impairment that has been determined will last for at least twelve months (or will result in death), or you expect to be unable to work for twelve months or more.

The Ohio Social Security disability and SSI disability qualification process is the same as it is in other states in that you must first file an application. You can file in at any of the local social security offices in the state of Ohio. You may also apply online or via telephone.  You do not need an Ohio attorney to apply or file for initial benefits.

How do I qualify for disability in the state of Ohio?
The approval rate of initial disability claims in Ohio is lower than the national average of 31.2 percent. The denial rate of about 70 percent for all first time disability and SSI applications means that most people applying for disability and SSI benefits in Ohio will have to appeal appeal  in order to win their case..

Ohio disability attorney Patrick Merrick discusses the various appeals. There are two levels of appeals: 1) a request for reconsideration; and 2) and a request for a social security disability hearing with an administrative law judge. Your chance of winning at the reconsideration level is not very good. Unless something drastic has changed in your case (new condition or a major change in your existing conditions) 80-90 percent of the time you will need to file an appeal to have a hearing with the social security disability judge.

In Ohio, approximately half of claimants who are represented by an experienced social security disability or SSI attorney, go to a hearing, and present evidence in favor of their case will win their benefits.

How do I file for social security  disability or SSI in Ohio online
With or without an Ohio disability lawyer, you can file your social security disability or SSI application using the Social Security online disability process.

If you use the online disability or SSI application, you need to complete the online disability forms and medical releases with your disability application. If you do not, you will still have to receive a call from your local Social Security office. If your local social security disability or SSI office cannot get a hold of you, your claim may be denied.

In Ohio, filing for disability or SSI through your local Social Security office will allow you to do the disability interview in person. Another reason for applying for benefits at your local disability office is that you cannot apply online for SSI. The majority of first time applications do not know if their cases will be for social security disability (SSD), supplemental security income (SSI) it may be more better to file your claim with your local social security office.

Also in Ohio, you cannot do the disability interview online.  The interview with social security disability claims representative can allow you to get answers to questions that you may have.

How do I file for disability in Ohio at a Social Security office
If you go in person and file your application at your local Ohio Social Security office, you will have a disability interview during which a claims representative will determine if you are eligible for Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income disability (SSI).  After filing, your disability claim is forwarded to the Ohio Disability Determination Bureau. This agency is tasked with handling all of the Social Security disability (SSD) and supplemental security income (SSI) decisions for the state of Ohio. Disability examiners are responsible for making a decision on both your initial disability claim and your reconsideration appeal for disability benefits.

When you apply for disability or SSI benefits in Ohio, your claim is assigned to a disability examiner to make a decision on your medical condition. The disability examiner will  requests medical records from all of the places (doctors and hospitals) that you listed when you applied. If they do not have enough current medical records, or have insufficient medical records, you will be scheduled for one or more consultative medical examinations with a doctor from social security.

When the examiner has enough medical information to make a decision on your case, it is their duty to approve or deny your disability case. If your disability or SSI case is denied, you and your Ohio disability or SSI attorney will receive a denial notice/letter from the Disability Determination Bureau. If your initial disability claim is denied, you have sixty five days to appeal that decision.

How do I file a disability or SSI appeal in Ohio?
When you receive your denial, you and your Ohio disability lawyer must decide if you case is worth filing a first level (reconsideration) appeal. For all intent and purpose, this appeal is just a review of the initial disability determination. If there was no mistake made on your initial disability claim, or you have not provided new evidence that supports a finding of disability (something like a new condition or a drastic change in existing conditions), you will most likely have to file an appeal to have a hearing with the social security disability judge. Most Ohio lawyers know that the reconsideration appeal has the highest denial rate of all levels of the Social Security disability process.

If you have to appeal your disability claim to the disability hearing level, you have your best chance of qualifying for disability in Ohio. Administrative law judges are able to be more flexible when making their disability determinations and this allows more disability applicants to qualify for Social Security disability in Ohio.

Patrick Merrick Attorney at Law handles social security disability claims in throughout the entire state of Ohio. Typically, social security disability cases regularly involve back pain and neck pain, heart problems, and emotional and mental problems. On a regular basis  diagnoses such as heart failure, herniated disks, degenerative disk disease, arthritis, lupus, RSD, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety,  fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome are approved for benefits.
In social security disability claims I do not get paid unless we help you obtain benefits.  If I do help you get benefits, I charge 25% of the benefits owed to you up to that time (your "back award").

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Killed on the job in Ohio | Workers Comp Death benefits paid to your dependents

Killed on the job in Ohio | Death benefits paid to your dependents 

 spanish speaking attorney for ohio workers comp death  on the job cases
Every week in Ohio, an employee dies in a work-related accident. Call wrongful death + workers comp lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq

Spanish Speaking Ohio Wrongful Death and Workers Compensation Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that OSHA and Department of Labor records show several fatal incidents in Ohio:

• In August 2017, Douglas Mescher, 30, of Lebanon, Ohio was killed when the load he was under slid off the forks of a forklift and crushed him. In that incident, OSHA opened an inspection with Walther Engineering in Franklin and SK Rigging Co. Inc., which was hired by Walther’s to move a machine.
• In July 2017, a worker died after a fall from a ladder at a Macy’s credit and customer services center in Mason, Ohio.
• In Dayton Ohio, in May 2017, a worker died after falling from a load being lifted into a trailer at YRC Freight.
• In April 2017, a Brown’s Tree Service & Landscaping worker in Hamilton, Ohio was killed after being struck by a front-end loader.
• In December 2017, a worker was killed in a trench collapse in Salem Twp., Warren County, Ohio
in June 2016, another man was killed in a Washington Twp. Ohio  trench accident.

Ohio wrongful death and workers compensation lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that if you die from a work-related injury or disease , Ohio Statute  4123.59 states that the following persons are presumed to be wholly dependent for their support upon a deceased employee:
(1) A surviving spouse who was living with the employee at the time of death
(2) A child under the age of eighteen years, or twenty-five years if pursuing a full-time educational program while enrolled in an accredited educational institution and program, or over said age if physically or mentally incapacitated from earning, upon only the one parent who is contributing more than one-half of the support for such child and with whom the child is living at the time of the death of such parent, or for whose maintenance such parent was legally liable at the time of the parent's death.

It is presumed that there is sufficient dependency to entitle a surviving natural parent or surviving natural parents, share and share alike, with whom the decedent was living at the time of the decedent's death, to a total minimum award of three thousand dollars.
The administrator may take into consideration any circumstances which, at the time of the death of the decedent, clearly indicate prospective dependency on the part of the claimant and potential support on the part of the decedent. No person shall be considered a prospective dependent unless such person is a member of the family of the deceased employee and bears to the deceased employee the relation of surviving spouse, lineal descendant, ancestor, or brother or sister.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sufrió un Accidente de Auto? Un Abogado en Experimentado En Accidentes Vehículos y Autos y los danos ellos los causan

Si es lastimado en un accidente de vehículo en Ohio, necesita un abogado especializado en lesiones personales que trabaje por sus intereses como clientes para recuperarse de manera justa por los daños causados. Un abogado puede guiarle a través la ley y ayudarle a reunir la documentación que necesita para crear y continuar su caso. Ohio tiene bastante vehículos registrados. La gente de Ohio dependen de sus automóviles para el transporte y esto se refleja en la cantidad de accidentes de tránsito que ocurren cada año. Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick puede ayudarle a obtener la recuperación máxima de sus salarios perdidos, gastos médicos, daños materiales y otros gastos conexos derivados de su accidente de auto.
Los accidentes en vehículos de motor no se limitan a accidentes en vehículos terrestres; de hecho pueden incluir una amplia gama de vehículos de motor. La siguiente es una lista de algunos de los accidentes automovilísticos más comunes para los que puede necesitar un abogado: Accidentes automovilísticos, Accidentes de motocicleta, Accidentes de camiones comerciales, Accidentes de bicicletas, Accidentes de navegación, Accidentes de autobús

LESIONES CAUSADAS POR ACCIDENTES DE VEHÍCULOS  - Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick revise todos los daños y perjuicios que pueda recuperar. Esto incluye facturas médicas actuales y futuras, salarios perdidos, así como cualquier otro costo asociado con sus lesiones. El dolor y el sufrimiento también pueden ser recuperables. Los accidentes automovilísticos  causan a menudo lesiones traumáticas y permanentes:

  • Lesión Cerebral Traumática
  • Lesión de Médula Espinal
  • La Pérdida de Una Extremidad o Amputación
  • Las Quemaduras Severas
  • Muerte Injusta
  • laceraciones y cortes,
  • huesos rotos
  • lesiones internas
  • lesiones en la espalda
  • lesiones en la cabeza y en el cerebro.

Contratar A Un Ohio Abogado Experto En Accidentes Vehículos - Si usted ha estado en un accidente en Ohio que considera es culpa de otro conductor, un abogado puede ayudar a probar la responsabilidad de ese conductor. La obligación es el término asociado a la responsabilidad legal y se asigna a la persona que se comportó negligentemente y por lo tanto causó el accidente. Las compañías de seguros ejércitos de los empleados de investigadores, expertos y otros profesionales para proteger su “cuenta de resultados.” Se necesita un defensor de su lado que es un negociador hábil, para asegurarse de que obtiene la máxima compensación por su accidente automovilístico.

Ohio Abogado Latino Patrick Merrick Para Lesiones en el Trabajo, Accidentes de Auto y Motocicleta, Incapacidad,  Daños  de Construcción, Muerte por Negligencia, Lesiones en el Parto en Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Toledo, y Youngstown Ohio. Servicios en Español. Consulta Gratis.  800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012
Un foto para la gente que necesita un abogado de accidentes y lesiones en Ohio

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio Lawyer can help you win your Social Security Disability and SSI Cases

Spanish Speaking Ohio Social Security Disability and Supplemental Income Attorney Patrick Merrick explains disability rules and how to win your case.

To win a claim for Social Security disability in Ohio evidence is based on your inability to work. The Social Security Act defines disability as a "person's inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months". A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you and you will win your case only if SSA or the Administrative Law Judge in Ohio will deems you disabled if: (1) You cannot do the work that you did in the past 15 years; (2) You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); (3) Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death; or (4) your condition meets a Listing of impairments.

In Ohio, this definition of disability is strictly enforced. Social Security pays benefits only for total disability. There are no benefits payable for short-term disability (as there is in private health plans). Social Security Disability program rules in Ohio assume that working families have access to other resources to provide support during periods of short-term disabilities, such as workers' compensation, private insurance, savings and investments.

An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer in Ohio Patrick Merrick explains reasons why SSA or the Administrative Law Judge can deny your claim:

You are unable to provide medical proof of your condition (either tests were not performed or evidence was not submitted).

The Impairment(s) are considered “non-severe” and Social Security only considers “severe” impairments when analyzing their effect on your ability to work.

Your injury or illness is a direct result of substance abuse. If substance abuse is a material factor in your inability to work the social security disability rules in Ohio provide a reason to deny your case.

It is improbable that your disability will last longer than one year. Some conditions, although severe, are expected to improve. If this is the case - they cannot be counted toward your claim.

Your ability to perform at work is unaffected. Some claimants have conditions that are verified, yet the impact on their ability to work (walking, standing, lifting, sitting) are minimally affected.

You can perform an another job to substitute for your previous occupation. If you are able to perform a job less strenuous than the one your performed in the last 15 years, social security may tell you to do that work. If you are 50 (or 45 if you are illiterate or unable to communicate in English) the rules change and you can win your case if you have never performed the less strenuous work (social security disability rules provide that the older you are the less capacity you have to learn or adapt to new jobs.

You are “non-compliant” meaning that you do not adhere to the instructions pertaining to your medication or what your doctor says about your treatment. For example: Social security cannot tell you that you have to have a surgery; however, if your doctor thinks that a surgery will help your condition and get you back to work social security can use this as a reason to deny your claim.

You go back to work - when you apply for disability you are saying that you are disabled and unable to work. So, if you go back to work it is opposite of what you need to prove to win the case.

An experienced disability lawyer in Ohio understands that when your application for social security disability is being processed, your application will be subject to every rule and regulation in order to identify a defect in your claim. In Ohio, the majority of disability cases are denied on first application (about 60%). You can appeal the first denial and this is called “Reconsideration” - about 80% of these decisions are the same as the first. The second appeal is for a hearing with the social security disability administrative law Judge in Ohio. It can take a year to wait for this hearing. Depending on the hearing office - win rates can vary by judge - with some denying 85% of cases and others approving 70% of cases. Unfortunately, you cannot choose your judge or everyone would choose the good (favorable ones).

If your application for Social Security Disability is denied, an experienced disability lawyer in Ohio Patrick Merrick recommends that do NOT reapply. If you reapply you are starting back from scratch. This is a common mistake made by applicants for disability benefits. Instead, you should file an appeal (as discussed above. An experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer in Ohio can help you through the disability appeals process. Claimants that have lawyers working on their cases often have a much higher chance of winning than those that do not.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Spanish speaking Ohio accidental death lawyer Patrick Merrick

Spanish speaking Ohio accidental death lawyer Patrick Merrick 

The accidental death laws in Ohio allow the beneficiaries to recover damages that cover the lost income and benefits of the deceased, the expenses related to the death and the pain yassociated with the loss. In some cases in Ohio, families can also seek punitive damages against the wrongdoer. These are intended to deter wrongdoers from behaving negligently or deliberately causing damage in the future.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ohio Abogado por accidentes de camión y remolque

Las lesiones por accidentes de camiones a menudo son más severas que los accidentes causados ​​por automóviles de pasajeros. Dado el tamaño del semirremolque, en comparación con un automóvil, las lesiones suelen ser graves y pueden incluir:
  • Daño cerebral y daño interno del órgano
  • Cuello, lesión de la espalda y lesión de la médula espinal
  • Huesos rotos y cicatrices
  • Parálisis y discapacidad permanente
  • Amputación y muerte

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ohio wrongful death statute

Cleveland wrongful death lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that in Ohio Laws that are written by the legislature in Ohio, instead of the court, says who can recover monetary compensation in wrongful death cases. In Ohio, wrongful death means a death “caused by wrongful act, neglect, or default” and allows a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the estate of the decedent. A wrongful death suit is a civil action – meaning that the person or company at fault for the wrongful death must pay money to the estate as compensation. Typically, the husband or wife of the decedent and children are entitled to recover (they are presumed to have suffered losses). If there is no spouse and no children, then parents and other family members may recover. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accident causes

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Angel Irizarry.

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that Accidents involving 18 wheeler  semi trucks and tractor trailers are an ongoing problem on Ohio roads.

North Eastern Ohio drivers face many risks on the roads and interstates. Whether as drivers of cars, passengers in cars, motorcyclists, bicyclists or even pedestrians, many people are injured or killed in 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents in Cleveland, Ohio each year

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has tracked 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents and their causes. There are many reasons for truck crashes. These can be further broken down into three areas 1) the environment; 2) the vehicle;  and 3) the driver.

Environmental causes of 18 wheeler semi-truck tractor trailer accidents include things like weather or road conditions (rain, snow, ice, wind).

Vehicle causes of truck crashes in Cleveland Ohio include things like faulty brakes, over-sized load, or other mechanical failures.

When drivers are the cause of 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents it can involve: 1) driver falling asleep, 2) Performance factors include not properly controlling a 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer or exercising an overcompensating maneuver, 3) Driver distraction, 4) speeding, and tailgating.

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick can help victims get Monetary Compensation for 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents in Ohio. The actions of 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer drivers are the cause of many accidents and injuries on Cleveland Ohio roads each year. Talk to Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accident lawyer to understand the compensation available including wrongful death lawsuits, my money for not working, medical bills, pain and suffering.

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Spanish speaking Ohio lawyer for Wrongful Death cases

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer for Wrongful Death cases. Attorney Patrick Merrick with client Michael Cianci.

Compensation for Wrongful Death - Families hurt by wrongful death of others negligence can get compensation for several issues related to the death of a loved one, including:
Medical expenses
Hospital expenses
Funeral costs
Deceased's pain and suffering prior to death

Compensation may also be awarded for issues affecting the family members, including:
Financial support
Parental support
Mental distress
Emotional pain

Loss of wages

Saturday, June 9, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck accidents can cause Paraplegic victims

Ohio 18 wheeler semi truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Hilario Mendoza Reyes. Spanish speaking with services en Español.

Paralyzed from a truck accident: Being traumatically Paralyzed is the loss of movement due to an injury or illness. For injuries to the spinal cord, it can result in two types of paralysis : the complete loss of movement in the torso, limbs, feet, and hands which is also known as quadraplagia. Results from an injury to the high vertebrae of the spinal cord. Those with quadraplagia often need machines to help them breath.  Other bodily functions affected are the ability to use the bathroom and walk under their own power.  An injury to the lower area of the spinal cord to results in paralysis below the waist, including the legs. This is known as Paraplegia. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck accident caused by tired drivers

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Yolanda Ayala and her daughter.

Commons cause of 18 wheeler semi truck accidents: Tired drivers - semi truck drivers are paid for the entire trip they make (not by the hour). So they often try to get the job done as quickly as possible and this means driving during the night with little sleep for a lot of days.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Unsafe trailer load can cause semi truck accident

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick with clients Hector Feliz and Lazaro Bravo 

Semi Truck accident fact: Unsafe load in trailer - The load in in the semi truck trailer can come loose, fly off or out of the trailer onto the road causing an accident.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Semi truck accident cause

 Common Reasons For 18 Wheeler Accidents Include:

  • Blind spots around the 18 wheeler truck - 18 wheeler drivers cannot see cars that are alongside them. For this reason cars should pass trucks as quickly and safely as possible. Do not drive next to an 18 Wheeler for a long time. You need to keep a distance between you car and an 18 wheeler to be safe.