Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ohio wrongful death statute

Cleveland wrongful death lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that in Ohio Laws that are written by the legislature in Ohio, instead of the court, says who can recover monetary compensation in wrongful death cases. In Ohio, wrongful death means a death “caused by wrongful act, neglect, or default” and allows a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the estate of the decedent. A wrongful death suit is a civil action – meaning that the person or company at fault for the wrongful death must pay money to the estate as compensation. Typically, the husband or wife of the decedent and children are entitled to recover (they are presumed to have suffered losses). If there is no spouse and no children, then parents and other family members may recover. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accident causes

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Angel Irizarry.

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that Accidents involving 18 wheeler  semi trucks and tractor trailers are an ongoing problem on Ohio roads.

North Eastern Ohio drivers face many risks on the roads and interstates. Whether as drivers of cars, passengers in cars, motorcyclists, bicyclists or even pedestrians, many people are injured or killed in 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents in Cleveland, Ohio each year

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has tracked 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents and their causes. There are many reasons for truck crashes. These can be further broken down into three areas 1) the environment; 2) the vehicle;  and 3) the driver.

Environmental causes of 18 wheeler semi-truck tractor trailer accidents include things like weather or road conditions (rain, snow, ice, wind).

Vehicle causes of truck crashes in Cleveland Ohio include things like faulty brakes, over-sized load, or other mechanical failures.

When drivers are the cause of 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents it can involve: 1) driver falling asleep, 2) Performance factors include not properly controlling a 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer or exercising an overcompensating maneuver, 3) Driver distraction, 4) speeding, and tailgating.

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick can help victims get Monetary Compensation for 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accidents in Ohio. The actions of 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer drivers are the cause of many accidents and injuries on Cleveland Ohio roads each year. Talk to Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio 18 wheeler semi truck tractor trailer accident lawyer to understand the compensation available including wrongful death lawsuits, my money for not working, medical bills, pain and suffering.

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Spanish speaking Ohio lawyer for Wrongful Death cases

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer for Wrongful Death cases. Attorney Patrick Merrick with client Michael Cianci.

Compensation for Wrongful Death - Families hurt by wrongful death of others negligence can get compensation for several issues related to the death of a loved one, including:
Medical expenses
Hospital expenses
Funeral costs
Deceased's pain and suffering prior to death

Compensation may also be awarded for issues affecting the family members, including:
Financial support
Parental support
Mental distress
Emotional pain

Loss of wages

Saturday, June 9, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck accidents can cause Paraplegic victims

Ohio 18 wheeler semi truck accident lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Hilario Mendoza Reyes. Spanish speaking with services en Español.

Paralyzed from a truck accident: Being traumatically Paralyzed is the loss of movement due to an injury or illness. For injuries to the spinal cord, it can result in two types of paralysis : the complete loss of movement in the torso, limbs, feet, and hands which is also known as quadraplagia. Results from an injury to the high vertebrae of the spinal cord. Those with quadraplagia often need machines to help them breath.  Other bodily functions affected are the ability to use the bathroom and walk under their own power.  An injury to the lower area of the spinal cord to results in paralysis below the waist, including the legs. This is known as Paraplegia. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

18 Wheeler semi truck accident caused by tired drivers

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick with client Yolanda Ayala and her daughter.

Commons cause of 18 wheeler semi truck accidents: Tired drivers - semi truck drivers are paid for the entire trip they make (not by the hour). So they often try to get the job done as quickly as possible and this means driving during the night with little sleep for a lot of days.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Unsafe trailer load can cause semi truck accident

Spanish speaking Cleveland Ohio lawyer Patrick Merrick with clients Hector Feliz and Lazaro Bravo 

Semi Truck accident fact: Unsafe load in trailer - The load in in the semi truck trailer can come loose, fly off or out of the trailer onto the road causing an accident.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Semi truck accident cause

 Common Reasons For 18 Wheeler Accidents Include:

  • Blind spots around the 18 wheeler truck - 18 wheeler drivers cannot see cars that are alongside them. For this reason cars should pass trucks as quickly and safely as possible. Do not drive next to an 18 Wheeler for a long time. You need to keep a distance between you car and an 18 wheeler to be safe.