Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Killed on the job in Ohio | Workers Comp Death benefits paid to your dependents

Killed on the job in Ohio | Death benefits paid to your dependents 

 spanish speaking attorney for ohio workers comp death  on the job cases
Every week in Ohio, an employee dies in a work-related accident. Call wrongful death + workers comp lawyer Patrick Merrick, Esq

Spanish Speaking Ohio Wrongful Death and Workers Compensation Lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that OSHA and Department of Labor records show several fatal incidents in Ohio:

• In August 2017, Douglas Mescher, 30, of Lebanon, Ohio was killed when the load he was under slid off the forks of a forklift and crushed him. In that incident, OSHA opened an inspection with Walther Engineering in Franklin and SK Rigging Co. Inc., which was hired by Walther’s to move a machine.
• In July 2017, a worker died after a fall from a ladder at a Macy’s credit and customer services center in Mason, Ohio.
• In Dayton Ohio, in May 2017, a worker died after falling from a load being lifted into a trailer at YRC Freight.
• In April 2017, a Brown’s Tree Service & Landscaping worker in Hamilton, Ohio was killed after being struck by a front-end loader.
• In December 2017, a worker was killed in a trench collapse in Salem Twp., Warren County, Ohio
in June 2016, another man was killed in a Washington Twp. Ohio  trench accident.

Ohio wrongful death and workers compensation lawyer Patrick Merrick explains that if you die from a work-related injury or disease , Ohio Statute  4123.59 states that the following persons are presumed to be wholly dependent for their support upon a deceased employee:
(1) A surviving spouse who was living with the employee at the time of death
(2) A child under the age of eighteen years, or twenty-five years if pursuing a full-time educational program while enrolled in an accredited educational institution and program, or over said age if physically or mentally incapacitated from earning, upon only the one parent who is contributing more than one-half of the support for such child and with whom the child is living at the time of the death of such parent, or for whose maintenance such parent was legally liable at the time of the parent's death.

It is presumed that there is sufficient dependency to entitle a surviving natural parent or surviving natural parents, share and share alike, with whom the decedent was living at the time of the decedent's death, to a total minimum award of three thousand dollars.
The administrator may take into consideration any circumstances which, at the time of the death of the decedent, clearly indicate prospective dependency on the part of the claimant and potential support on the part of the decedent. No person shall be considered a prospective dependent unless such person is a member of the family of the deceased employee and bears to the deceased employee the relation of surviving spouse, lineal descendant, ancestor, or brother or sister.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sufrió un Accidente de Auto? Un Abogado en Experimentado En Accidentes Vehículos y Autos y los danos ellos los causan

Si es lastimado en un accidente de vehículo en Ohio, necesita un abogado especializado en lesiones personales que trabaje por sus intereses como clientes para recuperarse de manera justa por los daños causados. Un abogado puede guiarle a través la ley y ayudarle a reunir la documentación que necesita para crear y continuar su caso. Ohio tiene bastante vehículos registrados. La gente de Ohio dependen de sus automóviles para el transporte y esto se refleja en la cantidad de accidentes de tránsito que ocurren cada año. Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick puede ayudarle a obtener la recuperación máxima de sus salarios perdidos, gastos médicos, daños materiales y otros gastos conexos derivados de su accidente de auto.
Los accidentes en vehículos de motor no se limitan a accidentes en vehículos terrestres; de hecho pueden incluir una amplia gama de vehículos de motor. La siguiente es una lista de algunos de los accidentes automovilísticos más comunes para los que puede necesitar un abogado: Accidentes automovilísticos, Accidentes de motocicleta, Accidentes de camiones comerciales, Accidentes de bicicletas, Accidentes de navegación, Accidentes de autobús

LESIONES CAUSADAS POR ACCIDENTES DE VEHÍCULOS  - Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick revise todos los daños y perjuicios que pueda recuperar. Esto incluye facturas médicas actuales y futuras, salarios perdidos, así como cualquier otro costo asociado con sus lesiones. El dolor y el sufrimiento también pueden ser recuperables. Los accidentes automovilísticos  causan a menudo lesiones traumáticas y permanentes:

  • Lesión Cerebral Traumática
  • Lesión de Médula Espinal
  • La Pérdida de Una Extremidad o Amputación
  • Las Quemaduras Severas
  • Muerte Injusta
  • laceraciones y cortes,
  • huesos rotos
  • lesiones internas
  • lesiones en la espalda
  • lesiones en la cabeza y en el cerebro.

Contratar A Un Ohio Abogado Experto En Accidentes Vehículos - Si usted ha estado en un accidente en Ohio que considera es culpa de otro conductor, un abogado puede ayudar a probar la responsabilidad de ese conductor. La obligación es el término asociado a la responsabilidad legal y se asigna a la persona que se comportó negligentemente y por lo tanto causó el accidente. Las compañías de seguros ejércitos de los empleados de investigadores, expertos y otros profesionales para proteger su “cuenta de resultados.” Se necesita un defensor de su lado que es un negociador hábil, para asegurarse de que obtiene la máxima compensación por su accidente automovilístico.

Ohio Abogado Latino Patrick Merrick Para Lesiones en el Trabajo, Accidentes de Auto y Motocicleta, Incapacidad,  Daños  de Construcción, Muerte por Negligencia, Lesiones en el Parto en Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Toledo, y Youngstown Ohio. Servicios en Español. Consulta Gratis.  800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012
Un foto para la gente que necesita un abogado de accidentes y lesiones en Ohio

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spanish Speaking Cleveland Ohio Lawyer can help you win your Social Security Disability and SSI Cases

Spanish Speaking Ohio Social Security Disability and Supplemental Income Attorney Patrick Merrick explains disability rules and how to win your case. 


To win a claim for Social Security disability in Ohio evidence is based on your inability to work. The Social Security Act defines disability as a "person's inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months". A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you and you will win your case only if SSA or the Administrative Law Judge in Ohio will deems you disabled if: (1) You cannot do the work that you did in the past 15 years; (2) You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); (3) Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death; or (4) your condition meets a Listing of impairments.

In Ohio, this definition of disability is strictly enforced. Social Security pays benefits only for total disability. There are no benefits payable for short-term disability (as there is in private health plans). Social Security Disability program rules in Ohio assume that working families have access to other resources to provide support during periods of short-term disabilities, such as workers' compensation, private insurance, savings and investments.

An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer in Ohio Patrick Merrick explains reasons why SSA or the Administrative Law Judge can deny your claim:

You are unable to provide medical proof of your condition (either tests were not performed or evidence was not submitted).

The Impairment(s) are considered “non-severe” and Social Security only considers “severe” impairments when analyzing their effect on your ability to work.

Your injury or illness is a direct result of substance abuse. If substance abuse is a material factor in your inability to work the social security disability rules in Ohio provide a reason to deny your case.

It is improbable that your disability will last longer than one year. Some conditions, although severe, are expected to improve. If this is the case - they cannot be counted toward your claim.

Your ability to perform at work is unaffected. Some claimants have conditions that are verified, yet the impact on their ability to work (walking, standing, lifting, sitting) are minimally affected.

You can perform an another job to substitute for your previous occupation. If you are able to perform a job less strenuous than the one your performed in the last 15 years, social security may tell you to do that work. If you are 50 (or 45 if you are illiterate or unable to communicate in English) the rules change and you can win your case if you have never performed the less strenuous work (social security disability rules provide that the older you are the less capacity you have to learn or adapt to new jobs.

You are “non-compliant” meaning that you do not adhere to the instructions pertaining to your medication or what your doctor says about your treatment. For example: Social security cannot tell you that you have to have a surgery; however, if your doctor thinks that a surgery will help your condition and get you back to work social security can use this as a reason to deny your claim.

You go back to work - when you apply for disability you are saying that you are disabled and unable to work. So, if you go back to work it is opposite of what you need to prove to win the case.

An experienced disability lawyer in Ohio understands that when your application for social security disability is being processed, your application will be subject to every rule and regulation in order to identify a defect in your claim. In Ohio, the majority of disability cases are denied on first application (about 60%). You can appeal the first denial and this is called “Reconsideration” - about 80% of these decisions are the same as the first. The second appeal is for a hearing with the social security disability administrative law Judge in Ohio. It can take a year to wait for this hearing. Depending on the hearing office - win rates can vary by judge - with some denying 85% of cases and others approving 70% of cases. Unfortunately, you cannot choose your judge or everyone would choose the good (favorable ones).

If your application for Social Security Disability is denied, an experienced disability lawyer in Ohio Patrick Merrick recommends that do NOT reapply. If you reapply you are starting back from scratch. This is a common mistake made by applicants for disability benefits. Instead, you should file an appeal (as discussed above. An experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer in Ohio can help you through the disability appeals process. Claimants that have lawyers working on their cases often have a much higher chance of winning than those that do not.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Spanish speaking Ohio accidental death lawyer Patrick Merrick

Spanish speaking Ohio accidental death lawyer Patrick Merrick 

The accidental death laws in Ohio allow the beneficiaries to recover damages that cover the lost income and benefits of the deceased, the expenses related to the death and the pain yassociated with the loss. In some cases in Ohio, families can also seek punitive damages against the wrongdoer. These are intended to deter wrongdoers from behaving negligently or deliberately causing damage in the future.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ohio Abogado por accidentes de camión y remolque

Las lesiones por accidentes de camiones a menudo son más severas que los accidentes causados ​​por automóviles de pasajeros. Dado el tamaño del semirremolque, en comparación con un automóvil, las lesiones suelen ser graves y pueden incluir:
  • Daño cerebral y daño interno del órgano
  • Cuello, lesión de la espalda y lesión de la médula espinal
  • Huesos rotos y cicatrices
  • Parálisis y discapacidad permanente
  • Amputación y muerte