Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ohio Spanish Speaking Lawyer | Undocumented Injured Workers Entitled to Ohio Workers Compensation | Cleveland | Columbus| Akron | Toledo | Youngstown 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012

Ohio Spanish Speaking Lawyer | Undocumented Injured Workers Entitled to Ohio Workers Compensation | Cleveland | Columbus| Akron | Toledo | Youngstown 800.309.7404 | 216.223.8004 | 614.398.3828 | 440.328.8883 | 330.974.0012

A common question among Ohio’s Latino and Hispanic population is are undocumented or “illegal aliens” ie – those without social security numbers and no permission to work in the United States able to file claims for Ohio workers compensation benefits? The answer is Yes.

Ohio law has said that Ohio’s definition of employee also included an illegal alien. Ohio Revised Code section §4123.01(C) does not say specifically if “illegal aliens” are included in the definition of “employee.” But, an Ohio case (Rajeh v. Steel City Corporation), said that that the Ohio statute's including the term alien in the definition of employee also included an "illegal alien."

This is good news for Ohio’s Latino and Hispanic undocumented workers, illegal aliens, and workers without work permits. They do not need to be scared or afraid to report their work injury. Often times the employer will take advantage of the worker and tell them they have no case or tell them to go to the hospital but say that the accident did not happen at work. These workers are entitled to Ohio workers compensation benefits. ​


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